The recognition of the agricultural underpinnings of Passover gives us a deeper appreciation that while this holiday was so important for Jews in the biblical period, it also reminds us that this is a season of potential. And while we might be less focused on the natural cycle occurring around us, Passover is a time to work diligently, and look hopefully towards positive outcomes in whatever endeavors we occupy ourselves with.
We of course look forward to celebrating this season of new beginnings together at our Community Seder on Saturday night April 23rd, but we have many other exciting activities to help us make this season, and indeed the rest of the year, filled with fantastic possibilities.
Elections are on the mind of our nation, and our synagogue has always been a place where political leaders need to bring their campaign to the Jewish community. This month two of the candidates for L.A. County Supervisor District 5 will be making an appearance at TBA. LA City Councilman Mitchell Englander will visit Shabbat Services on April 8th, at 8 pm and L.A. County Deputy District Attorney Elan Carr will be visiting on April 15th, at 8 pm.
Casino Night, Saturday, April 16th starting at 7 pm, at the Tesoro Clubhouse, will be a wonderful evening of fun and friends (and fundraising). This is a great chance to enjoy playing games of chance, and we have some wonderful prizes and auction items, including 4 Dodger tickets with Ketel One Lounge access. What a great way to celebrate spring! LA Galaxy tickets will also be a prize/auction item for those who don’t love America(‘s pastime).
And reflecting on the environment, this spring season Temple Beth Ami will be hosting our first Earth Day climate change symposium with a special screening of Who Killed the Electric Car, and a discussion panel featuring our own Professor of Environmental Studies, Ralph Krongold, and renowned electric vehicle advocate Paul Scott. Passover treats will be served at this important and informative program held on April 24th from 3-5 pm at Beth Ami.
COME SING DAYENU WITH US – Temple Beth Ami will be celebrating our community Seder the second night of Passover, Saturday night, April 23rd at 6 pm. Led by Rabbi Mark Blazer and Cantor Kenny Ellis. Call (661) 255-6410 for information and reservations or online at:
casinonight.pdf |
tba_climate_change.pdf |