Your continued support in signing up to help out with Oneg is very much appreciated and needed! Thank you to all of you that end up signing up to help out with Onegs with set up and clean up, and those of you that step in when you are at services that just help! Each and every one of you is very much appreciated. Thank you.
Why is an Oneg important to have? It is a chance to celebrate Shabbat. It is also a chance for you to see people you don't ordinarily see during the week at a stress free time to schmooze and to welcome new people to our synagogue. Traditionally Oneg is to celebrate a special occasion or milestone in your family (ex. birthday, anniversary, graduation, special awards, etc.) by either making a donation to oneg or sponsoring an oneg. Oneg donations and sponsorships are available in multiple levels of Chai. Please see the attached Oneg Form for details. Any questions, please contact Tracy Blazer at [email protected] to honor any any family life cycle events you choose!
Help with Oneg involves setting out the food and drinks and cleaning up (which people tend to stay and help with that any way!) Please see the Oneg Genius' schedule and sign up below by clicking on the link for whichever date works best for you.Please sign up here for Onegs:
A schedule has been set up at :
Why is an Oneg important to have? It is a chance to celebrate Shabbat. It is also a chance for you to see people you don't ordinarily see during the week at a stress free time to schmooze and to welcome new people to our synagogue. Traditionally Oneg is to celebrate a special occasion or milestone in your family (ex. birthday, anniversary, graduation, special awards, etc.) by either making a donation to oneg or sponsoring an oneg. Oneg donations and sponsorships are available in multiple levels of Chai. Please see the attached Oneg Form for details. Any questions, please contact Tracy Blazer at [email protected] to honor any any family life cycle events you choose!
Help with Oneg involves setting out the food and drinks and cleaning up (which people tend to stay and help with that any way!) Please see the Oneg Genius' schedule and sign up below by clicking on the link for whichever date works best for you.Please sign up here for Onegs:
A schedule has been set up at :