In the realm of education, one of the most exciting projects in Santa Clarita has been the work of the Albert Einstein Academy for Letters, Arts and Sciences. AEA is a nonprofit, co-educational charter opened in 2010, which was the first charter school to offer Hebrew language classes in California. It provides an exceptional academic and extracurricular program in an alternative educational experience that emphasizes student-teacher collaborative learning. Now serving grades seven through twelfth grade, with 450 students and a massive waiting list, the Academy has finally been able to open for elementary grades this fall.
For Adult learning, our Tuesday morning Torah study class that meets at 9 AM continues to grow, in the coming months we will be finishing the Apocrypha, Jewish texts that have been canonized by some faiths. In the coming months, we will turn our attention to a new textual subject, a first at Temple Beth Ami, the Christian Scriptures.
Our Wednesday evening Adult Education classes meets at 7 PM and is coming up on nine years of weekly study of the rabbinic texts. After completing two tractates of the Talmud, we have in recent months moved into specialized subjects including end of life issues, contemporary bioethics and will be looking at how Jewish tradition guides in the complex areas we face in our daily lives.
At TBA we look forward to expanding the educational offerings for people of all ages and backgrounds. As our congregation continues to grow, so will the opportunities to expand the mind, heart and heart. We believe that we will truly be a stronger community when we are all devoted to lifelong learning–a Jewish tradition from Sinai.
Have a great summer filled with even more great learning,
Rabbi Mark Blazer