We have seen so many simchas in the previous year, B’nai Mitzvah, baby namings, weddings and other occasions for celebration. We have also comforted an expanding community during some very difficult times. Most importantly, we have been there for each other.
This past year was a time of adding to our solid foundations. Our Cantor, Kenny Ellis, has just taken on the responsibilities of Education Director and is already working on great new programs in conjunction with our fantastic teachers. Our students are already off to a great start. New teachers and classes will be added to our adult education schedules as well.
However we have only just begun. This year we will all see continued opportunities for making a tremendous difference, literally to create a new reality, and we encourage you to be a part of it. Family Promise is an organization that has already a positive impact on our community by bringing many faith groups together towards a common goal of helping homeless families. During the coming year the interfaith network we have helped develop will continue to strengthen as well, working in common cause on tikkun olam.
In order to change our community, indeed our world, we need to start on the personal level. Let me suggest some some ways in which to make this coming year, 5776, a great new beginning. Resolve to abandon one bad habit. Start small. Study at least one line of Torah. Learn one new prayer. Make a plan to improve one way you relate to others. Take a moment to repair damage done to someone else during this last year, or in year's past.
Taking direction from the Yom Kippur liturgy, ask yourself: Who are the people I have hurt by doing something to them? Or by not doing something? Whom did I harm by telling tales about them? Whom did I insult or jeer? Whom did I mislead or neglect? Towards whom was I unkind? Who was hurt by my weakness or violence? I hope this year will be for all of us a chance to make real teshuvah--repentance and return.
We look forward to being together for High Holiday services, this year at Real Life Church, 23841 Newhall Ranch Rd.